Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Gökhan GÖKÇE – Beyin, Sinir ve Omurga Cerrahisi Uzmanı

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Vascular diseases such as aneurysms (vascular bubbles), arterio-venous malformations (AVMs), and cavernous angiomas (cavernomas) can cause serious health problems related to the brain and vascular system.The diagnosis and treatment of these diseases are usually carried out by neurology and neurosurgery specialists. Here is more information about the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of these diseases:

Aneurysm (Vascular Bubbles):An aneurysm is a condition in which the vessel wall of the arteries weakens and enlarges, usually in the form of a bubble. Brain aneurysms are a serious concern, especially because of the risk of bleeding.Symptoms may include

  • Severe headache
  • Unconsciousness and comaSeizures
  • Paralysis or weakness
  • Speech disorders
  • Urinary and faecal incontinence

Diagnosis is made using brain imaging methods and treatment options may include surgical intervention or endovascular treatment.

Arterio-Venous Malformation (AVM): AVM is a vascular abnormality in which arteries and veins have abnormal connections.Symptoms of AVM may include

  • Headache
  • Seizures Paralysis or weakness
  • Speech disorders
  • Urinary and faecal incontinence
  • Loss of consciousness or coma due to haemorrhage

The diagnosis is made using imaging studies and specialised angiography methods such as DSA.Treatment may include surgical removal, stereotactic radiosurgery or embolisation, depending on the size and location of the AVM and symptoms.

Cavernous Angioma (Cavernoma): Cavernous angioma is a condition characterised by abnormal swollen vessels in the brain. Symptoms may include:

  • Headache
  • Seizures Paralysis or weakness
  • Speech disorders
  • Loss of visionLoss of consciousness or coma due to haemorrhage

MRI imaging is used for diagnosis. Treatment options may include surgical removal or stereotactic radiosurgery.As all three diseases carry serious risks, appropriate treatment and regular follow-up after diagnosis is very important. Treatment options are individualised depending on the patient’s condition and symptoms and are guided by a neurology or neurosurgery specialist.

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